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Technology Support

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Technology Support and Services

Network ID and Password

Network Login


Forgot your password?

如果您完成了帐户设置,您应该可以重置密码 on this web page.

Failing that:

  • Email helpdesk@zhuaren.net.
  • For identity verification purposes, be sure to include your name, ID number, last four digits of your Social Security Number, and home Zip code.

Change your password.

  • From your personal computer or mobile device visit this web page
  • 在Keystone College的计算机上,按CTRL-ALT-DEL并选择更改密码的选项.

Contact Us

Information Technology

Email: helpdesk@zhuaren.net
Phone: 570-945-8778

Hibbard校园中心2楼的科技角每周一至五上午9:30-11:30开放.m. and 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m.在校园其他地方需要技术人员时,偶尔会关闭. 建议预约,以确保在您到达时有技术人员可用.


Additional Help

For links to commonly used resources, visit the Current Students Page.

IPads - discontinued in 2024

  • Prior to fall 2024, Keystone大学iPad项目为全日制传统本科学生提供iPad设备. 作为全日制(秋季/春季学期)本科学生,新入学的学生将获得一台iPad和一个专用保护套. iPads are the property of Keystone College. 在学士学位毕业并付清学生对学院的经济义务后, the iPad becomes the student’s property.
  • 学生们在寒暑假期间会带着他们的ipad,即使在假期不上课.
  • 有资格参加这个项目需要在学院的本科秋季/春季课程中连续全日制注册. 没有达到毕业要求就离开学院的学生可以通过及时将设备和所有配件归还给Keystone学院技术角来避免额外的租金, 位于希巴德校园中心二楼. 如果iPad及其配件没有及时归还,将按比例收取费用.

Library Laptop Lending Program


Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, etc.)免费提供给Keystone的学生和员工,包括网络、桌面和移动版本.

Sync Your Email

不要错过您的楔石学院电子邮件中的重要通知! 把它们安装在你的手机、iPad或你最喜欢的网络服务(Gmail、Outlook等)上.)

  • 服务器类型:Exchange(可能列出为Microsoft Exchange)
  • 输入您的电子邮件地址,并按照提示完成在线登录/配置

Audio & Visual Technology

For events

现场支持活动是可用的周一至周五从上午8点.m. – 4 p.m. 其他时间,如果有技术人员,并有提前计划,则另行安排. Email helpdesk@zhuaren.net 至少提前一周安排视听技术的设置.

Xfinity on Campus

住校学生可以享受校园Xfinity观看电视直播, on demand, and recorded content on their IP-enabled devices, including laptops, tablets, smartphones and Roku players. 该服务包括住在校内宿舍的学生的食宿费. 点击这里获取有关如何访问该服务的信息.

Email to Fax Service

To fax from email, address your message to:
用你的目的地号码代替 5701234567 number. 电子邮件的正文将被转换成封面页,任何附件将被添加为附加页.

Computer Use Policy

在楔石学院,电子信息技术系统是学习和管理必不可少的工具. 这是学院的政策, telecommunications, video, 相关网络设施的使用应符合道德规范和法律规范, in accord with applicable licenses and contracts, 并根据他们的预期用途来支持学院的使命.

Any use that would impede teaching and learning, hinder the functioning of the College, violate an applicable license or contract, 或破坏社区关系或与我们共同承担责任的机构的关系, is a violation of this policy.

违反此政策可能导致暂停访问所涉及的信息技术的特权, initiation of College disciplinary procedures or, in extreme cases, criminal prosecution under federal or state law.



Wireless Access

Keystone学院在校园内提供无线网络接入. 如果你打算住在校园里,并带一台台式电脑或游戏机, make sure it has wireless capability.  Wi-Fi is available in:

  • All Classroom Buildings
  • Hibbard Campus Center
  • Miller Library
  • Residence Halls
  • Some Outdoor Areas

许多因素影响无线接收(到最近接入点的距离), interference from other electronic devices, student equipment compatibility, etc). 

Email Policy

The daily KC Morning E-Notes newsletter, 与社交媒体和大学应用程序相结合, 是分享新闻和公告的首选方式吗.  群发邮件仅限于安全和与天气有关的紧急情况.  点击这里让你的文章发表在KC早晨.

你是否觉得你需要为非紧急原因向特定的校园人群发送定向电子邮件, please contact your respective Cabinet member.